Foundations can be damaged by a variety of situations and the climate of the area greatly influences this. In Texas, we have a somewhat hot climate, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a good rainy season. . In this blog we will not only focus on the rains, we will also leave you with other causes of foundation deterioration.
Discover three causes that affect the life of your foundation!
Most common foundation problems have something to do with how water affects the foundation. Whether it’s too much water or not enough, water is almost always a factor. Water can also affect it initially or the effects can show up later in the process. If it rains too much, then it causes the ground your home sits on to become too wet, which causes it to shift and change the foundation. Too much moisture can also cause swelling and heaving if it is a more clayey soil.

The first step in constructing the foundation is moving the soil, tractors can be seen digging and moving around the soil, this is done to remove some of the excess soil or to backfill the soil in the lower areas of the construction site, this is also done for the installation of subway piping of different types. When this work is done properly, it tends to leave voids or spaces that move the foundation, also affecting the pouring of cement into concrete.

Leaks are also one of the most common factors when it comes to foundation damage. Most of the plumbing in structures is located in the foundation. If a problem occurs with the plumbing, it can cause damage to the foundation. One of the most frequent issues that occur within plumbing problems is a burst or cracked pipe. Water coming out of the crack has nowhere to go, so pressure can build up and cause the foundation to crack.

Take these tips into consideration and don’t let your foundation get damaged! Be aware of the causes that can damage them and give you headaches. We are specialists in foundation construction and will be able to help you.
Phone: 936-444-8356
LinkedIn: Progressive Concrete LLC