Over the years, we have had clients who have worked with us repeatedly. Nonetheless, one of our indispensable clients is Caliber Collision. We have been on a long journey with them on various projects, and always looking for new challenges.
Our most recent and completed project with them was in Tyler, TX. Here are some pictures.

At Caliber Collision in Tyler, we performed the first phase of every project, the process of breaking the ground, flattening it, and laying the first foundations.
We did the new paving installation for this new structure, and we were involved in the entire construction process of this project. It was months of hard work under the Texas skies, but the result is the new Caliber Collision facility.

We’re happy to keep strong partnerships with our clients! We rely on forging long-lasting and sustainable connections with our clients as a foundation for Progressive Concrete to deliver quality service and an unforgettable experience on our projects.

We are experts at what we do, if you need a job done in Texas, don’t hesitate to contact us, and we have a quick response that will save you time.
Email: contact@progressive-concretellc.com
Phone: 936-444-8356
LinkedIn: Progressive Concrete LLC